The Featherless — A Poem from the Perspective of a Flamingo




How miserable must it be to be both furless and featherless.

To have to wear clothes to not be exposed.

You are what you eat, and my food becomes me.

I consume a coral colored cuisine:

Shrimps, algae, beta-kerotene.

My Diet Dyed my features Coral.

Humans can achieve the coral look too,

Perhaps after baking under the sun.

There’s so much variety in the color of the fur on human heads.

Some gold as sand.

Some dark as coconuts.

Very occasionally — flamboyant — as blue as the lagoon, as green as the palm leaves, as purple as the sunrise.

What must they have eaten to pigment their furry heads?



Classy & Convenient

Sometimes I write things that are helpful or entertaining. Sometimes I just complain on the internet.